computer class 6th and 20th of October 2022

The St. Marys Community Public Library will offer basic computer classes in November. Use a library computer or bring your own laptop to the classes and learn the skills you need. Google, Microsoft, library research databases with Ohio Web Library or Linked In Learning are all possible topics for discovery. Two days/times are available: Thursday, October 6 at 5:30 p.m. or Thursday, October 20 at 11:00 a.m. Registration is requested as class size is limited.
Participants will improve their general knowledge of computers and software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher. Microsoft or Google e-mail may be explored, as well as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Task, Keep, and Photos—the classes will be adapted to the needs of the participants. Explore the many classes available to you on LinkedIn Learning, accessible free with your library card. These skills are the ones you may need as you look for a job in these technology-driven times.
Those who cannot make the available class times are encouraged to call the library and schedule a One-on-One Technology session. These half-hour sessions can provide help with job applications, setting up e-mail or social media accounts, using the Libby app for eReaders and mobile devices, resume help, using a Cricut Maker, and more.
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computer class 6th and 20th of October 2022