Calling all poets! Let your creativity shine at St. Marys Community Public Library! The deadline for our poetry celebration has been extended through our Summer Reading program. Submit your original poetry to the library by Wednesday, July 2, for staff review. Poets are welcome to write on their own theme or topic, or they may write on our summer reading theme of “100 Years of Tails and Tales.” Poets may video record themselves reading their work and submit this file digitally in person (on a flash drive, for example) along with their written poem, or they may come to the library and we will schedule a time to record them.
Other rules for submission are as follows:
- Poems must be at least 3 lines and no more than 30 lines in length.
- Works must be the original work of the applicant.
- Entries may not contain vulgarity, profanity, or offensive language/content.
- Applicants may enter as many poems as they wish, and their name, age group, and contact information must be included on each submission.
- There are four age groups – Elementary school students; Middle school students; High school students; and adults.
Rules are also posted online at https://smcpl.org/poetry-celebration-in-action/.
The public will be invited to listen to our Poetry Celebration in Action, the recorded, virtual poetry reading of our contestants’ most powerful and meaningful words, and to vote for their favorite poems. The winning contestant will receive a prize.
Upload entries here using Google Forms
This form requires a gmail.com e-mail account to upload files. If you do not have an account you can make one for free, or submit your entry in person at the library on a USB flashdrive or by downloading from you device.
Contact: stmaryshelp@seolibraries.org
Angela Karen, Technology Coordinator, for in person entries (by appointment only).
Check the St. Marys Community Public Library online calendar of events and social media pages for upcoming programs, and join the fun as we celebrate our 100th anniversary.
For more information, call (419) 394-7471 or visit 140 South Chestnut Street. We are on the web at smcpl.org. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to keep up with all the latest library news.
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Last Updated: April 30, 2021