sewing buttonholes 18 July 2022 post
The St. Marys Community Public Library will be hosting a sewing class dedicated to buttonholes! Join us on July 18th at 4:00 p.m. to learn how to sew buttonholes, the different types of button holes, and their purposes. Practice makes perfect when learning to make buttonholes. Morgan will start by teaching how to prepare your machine and material. Then she will demonstrate various ways to make a buttonhole, using modern buttonhole feet, vintage attachments, or doing it with just a zig zag stich.
The library will provide most of the supplies and tools needed. We will also provide a list of supplies needed to complete the project. Participants should bring their own portable sewing machine, any buttonhole feet or attachments, and machine manual to the session; if no portable sewing machine is available, please let the library know when registering for the class.
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