Fridays from 10:00 am – Noon

In the library meeting room

The St. Marys Community Public Library welcomes community members to join in crafting fun for Friday Craft Circle meetings in the library meeting room from 10 AM to noon.

Join us as we work on our needle crafts in a group setting, picking up new skills and making progress on our works-in-progress while enjoying the lively friendship of other crafters. Experienced and novice handicrafters are all welcome. Bring your crochet, knitting, tatting, embroidery, quilting, etc. to the library and see how much you can get done after a couple of hours with friends.

For more information about this and other library programs, please visit 140 South Chestnut Street or call (419) 394-7471. We are on the web at Follow us on FacebookInstagram, and YouTube to keep up with all the latest library news.

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Craft Circle Fridays